Kourtney getting her extensions re-done!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Self Beauty Tip Bangs
Self Beauty ...Cutting Your Own Bangs
If you have ever had bangs, you know this scenario far too well. You go in for your normal hair cut every six to eight weeks, and within two weeks your bangs are back in your eyes. No sense going somewhere and paying to have just the bangs trimmed. So you either live with the hairs poking your eyeballs, or reach in the drawer for the scissors.
As a former attempted to cut my own bangs, how things went horribly wrong, and the better front of my head was a mish mash of bangs, medium length hairs, and long hairs. Yes, darlings, I had to run to my hair stylist like a maniac for help (thanks Michelle), However, with a little guidance, anyone can trim their own bangs. After this fiasco of self bang cutting I did a little research on how we can cut our own bangs with out the trip to the salon, hey with the economy any little money saver helps!
If you have ever had bangs, you know this scenario far too well. You go in for your normal hair cut every six to eight weeks, and within two weeks your bangs are back in your eyes. No sense going somewhere and paying to have just the bangs trimmed. So you either live with the hairs poking your eyeballs, or reach in the drawer for the scissors.
As a former attempted to cut my own bangs, how things went horribly wrong, and the better front of my head was a mish mash of bangs, medium length hairs, and long hairs. Yes, darlings, I had to run to my hair stylist like a maniac for help (thanks Michelle), However, with a little guidance, anyone can trim their own bangs. After this fiasco of self bang cutting I did a little research on how we can cut our own bangs with out the trip to the salon, hey with the economy any little money saver helps!
- To start you will need two hair clippies, a pair of hair shears, a comb, and a cape (unless you want hair everywhere).
- Always cut your bangs dry. When you wet your hair down it stretches, and it is easy to cut your bangs shorter than you had planned. If you have any cowlicks around your face, cutting your bangs wet could be disastrous.
Decide how thick you want your bangs to be. Use your comb and make a straight line up from your nose to the where the bangs will begin. The farther back you go with the comb, the thicker they will be. Once you have found that spot drag the comb from that point and down to the outer edge of one of your eyebrows. Pin back the hair that is not to be included in the bangs. Repeat on the other side of you head. With your comb clean up the lines, making sure that both sides have an equal amount of hair, and move any hair that does not belong back to the clippy. You should now have an, even triangle shape at the front of your forehead, with one point lined up with the edge of each eyebrow, and one point lined up with your nose.
- When cutting, Always start in the center and work your way out. Combing your hair down, determine exactly the length you want them to fall. Move your fingers a quarter to half inch down, so they are cut a little longer than where you wanted them. They will spring up a bit, and if you are unsure, always cut longer then take more off.
- If you want to layer your bangs, pull them out with a comb, so the hair is at a right angle from the scalp. Decide how short you want the shortest layer to be, and with your fingers connect that point to the hair closest to your face, letting some of the front hair drop down from your fingers.
- Want your bangs to look textured and whispy? Use the point cutting technique. With a section of bangs between your fingers, and about one inch of hair sticking out, use the scissors pointing at the hair and cut straight into it. Do so throughout your bangs, until you have the desired texture. Be very careful doing this though, it is easy to snip the inside of your fingers with this method.
- Remember Cut slowly. You can always take more hair off, but you can’t put it back. If you are unsure, watch how your stylist does it at your next appointment, and ask questions about her techniques.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
My Blog
My Blog

Why I obsess about my blog ? this is why, although I mostly post pictures of celebrities, I can also be very diverse. My passion is Fashion, those who know me can agree, however; my life is my family, they mean the world to me and today I live and breath because I have them in my life, therefore; you will see a few postings here and there of my family and friends or my weekend activities with a few pictures.
The diversity of my blog is what keeps me obsessed! with always wanting to up date and post pictures, of celeb, my family or any beauty tips .. I enjoy this! weather is one person or twenty that may read my blog to me it's more than enough. Fashiongirls, basically post anything and everything within the female world, of Beauty, Fashion, Love, Decor, Family and Friendship. I hope you can all enjoy what I call my obsession.
Mariah Carey
Carey I can't wait to be a mom!

Strolling into a Brazilian restaurant in New York City for an exclusive interview with In Touch, Mariah is nothing like the diva she’s perceived to be. The Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter looks gorgeous, wearing little makeup and dressed casually in black pants, a black shirt and big black belt. Usually guarded about her love life, this time, she’s brought along her husband, Nick Cannon. “I love where I am in life right now,” Mariah, 39, tells In Touch as she sips on a glass of cabernet. And why shouldn’t she? She’s got a man who writes her love notes each morning, even after a year-and-a-half of marriage. She’s got a highly anticipated new album, which dropped September 29. She he is getting Oscar buzz for her gritty role in the upcoming movie Precious. And she and Nick definitely want to start a family! Over dinner, the couple opened up to In Touch about their solid marriage, having a baby and more.
So, are you ready for kids?
Mariah: Definitely, we want a family.Nick: Yes, of course. It’s at the forefront of our minds. We’re very close. But we want to enjoy our first year together. We didn’t have a stable environment. The first year we were in LA in a hotel and then we were like, “Let’s get a house.”
How many kids?
Nick: We’d like two.Mariah: Of course, we’d be happy with one. I want to be able to manage the right amount of attention. We are so busy — if you have six kids running around, no one gets what they need. Kids need a lot of attention.
Would you consider adoption?
Nick: It’s never out of the question. I was raised by my grandmother, who was also a foster mom, so I grew up around a lot of kids.
So you can see yourself having one by the end of 2010?
Mariah: Yeah. What do you think?Nick: I think that’s what the world is waiting for.Mariah: Oh, my goodness, that’s so much pressure on our kids!
Would you mind gaining the baby weight?
Mariah: No, I wouldn’t mind. I’d be fine with it. I’m not one of those people who is usually a size 2 to start with and gets scared they will end up a size 3.
It seems like 40 is a pivotal age in Hollywood.
Mariah: I find it offensive. It unfairly taints women in particular, and makes people look at you differently. I lived with that my whole life. Honestly, I never thought I’d live this long.
You thought you’d die by now?
Mariah: I have always been grateful for everything I had, but my personal life was a mess. So many artists just exist for their careers and then burn out quickly. That was me before I met Nick, and he helped me. I always thought that I wouldn’t be here at this point. I was thinking, “Okay, I’ve got another year of my life left. This has got to be the end of it.” Finally, he was like, “Stop talking like that.” I have been obsessed with the whole Marilyn Monroe thing my whole life — all those artists who died young.
And Michael Jackson, too.
Mariah: Yes. Michael Jackson. At one point, we talked about that stuff. I can’t reveal what he thought. But yes, we had a conversation about it once.

Strolling into a Brazilian restaurant in New York City for an exclusive interview with In Touch, Mariah is nothing like the diva she’s perceived to be. The Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter looks gorgeous, wearing little makeup and dressed casually in black pants, a black shirt and big black belt. Usually guarded about her love life, this time, she’s brought along her husband, Nick Cannon. “I love where I am in life right now,” Mariah, 39, tells In Touch as she sips on a glass of cabernet. And why shouldn’t she? She’s got a man who writes her love notes each morning, even after a year-and-a-half of marriage. She’s got a highly anticipated new album, which dropped September 29. She he is getting Oscar buzz for her gritty role in the upcoming movie Precious. And she and Nick definitely want to start a family! Over dinner, the couple opened up to In Touch about their solid marriage, having a baby and more.
So, are you ready for kids?
Mariah: Definitely, we want a family.Nick: Yes, of course. It’s at the forefront of our minds. We’re very close. But we want to enjoy our first year together. We didn’t have a stable environment. The first year we were in LA in a hotel and then we were like, “Let’s get a house.”
Mariah: But don’t think I’m moving to LA.Nick: We live in both places. We need to figure out where we are going to raise our kids. Here or LA.Mariah: New York.
Nick: LA.
How many kids?
Nick: We’d like two.Mariah: Of course, we’d be happy with one. I want to be able to manage the right amount of attention. We are so busy — if you have six kids running around, no one gets what they need. Kids need a lot of attention.
Would you consider adoption?
Nick: It’s never out of the question. I was raised by my grandmother, who was also a foster mom, so I grew up around a lot of kids.
So you can see yourself having one by the end of 2010?
Mariah: Yeah. What do you think?Nick: I think that’s what the world is waiting for.Mariah: Oh, my goodness, that’s so much pressure on our kids!
Would you mind gaining the baby weight?
Mariah: No, I wouldn’t mind. I’d be fine with it. I’m not one of those people who is usually a size 2 to start with and gets scared they will end up a size 3.
It seems like 40 is a pivotal age in Hollywood.
Mariah: I find it offensive. It unfairly taints women in particular, and makes people look at you differently. I lived with that my whole life. Honestly, I never thought I’d live this long.
You thought you’d die by now?
Mariah: I have always been grateful for everything I had, but my personal life was a mess. So many artists just exist for their careers and then burn out quickly. That was me before I met Nick, and he helped me. I always thought that I wouldn’t be here at this point. I was thinking, “Okay, I’ve got another year of my life left. This has got to be the end of it.” Finally, he was like, “Stop talking like that.” I have been obsessed with the whole Marilyn Monroe thing my whole life — all those artists who died young.
And Michael Jackson, too.
Mariah: Yes. Michael Jackson. At one point, we talked about that stuff. I can’t reveal what he thought. But yes, we had a conversation about it once.
Skin Tips

Leighton Meester "In general, these are skin’s glory days," says N.Y.C. dermatologist Dennis Gross. The complexion is clearer, tone is good, and UV damage hasn't yet made an appearance." For baby soft skin like Leighton Meester you need to follow the right skin care routine.

Angelina Jolie
Your complexion is still taut, but genetics, time spent in the sun, and hormonal influences may start to reveal themselves in the form of fine lines, Angelina Jolie has the same problems but still looks youthful.

Halle Berry
To have skin as young and fresh as Halle Berry San Francisco dermatologist Seth Matarasso suggests, "prevent deeper lines from forming by incorporating a second antioxidant or something with growth factors, like the TNS complex, into your ritual."

Angelina Jolie
Your complexion is still taut, but genetics, time spent in the sun, and hormonal influences may start to reveal themselves in the form of fine lines, Angelina Jolie has the same problems but still looks youthful.
Your Secret Weapon
Cell turnover slows with age, which may explain why every dermatologist we know is obsessed with this ultrasonic skin brush. It's gentle enough to use every day and can help restore some of that radiant glow you took for granted in your 20s.
Cell turnover slows with age, which may explain why every dermatologist we know is obsessed with this ultrasonic skin brush. It's gentle enough to use every day and can help restore some of that radiant glow you took for granted in your 20s.

Halle Berry
To have skin as young and fresh as Halle Berry San Francisco dermatologist Seth Matarasso suggests, "prevent deeper lines from forming by incorporating a second antioxidant or something with growth factors, like the TNS complex, into your ritual."
courtesy of instyle