Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Hope each and one of you out there have a safe and joyful day.
I give thanks for all the good things in my life and for some bad ones as well, because we learn and grow from them, so I must be thank full.
10 Things I am Thankful For:
1. Health
2. My Children Who are the reason I scarifies everything and I do it with love
3. My Family whom I love with all my heart
4. My Friends, with out them we don't have the fun and sharing moments with of just being the true you!
5. My Home, each day I have to thank that I still go to a furnish home where I sleep worry free.
6. My Job, many people lost their jobs and today might be worried on how to go forward, I give thanks for still having my job. I will pray for those who don't.
7. For allowing myself to be me no matter what, for loving the person who i am.
8. I can't thank enough for the parents i have i love them each and everyday.
9. For the great moments I have been lucky to live.
10. Most important for the health and safe year I along with everyone I know had.. for not losing a loved one, but gaining many many more.
Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Divas In Paris Event
Happy Wednesday All! This past weekend was the event I was attending too, which was Divas In Paris Theme. Below are a few pictures of the wonderful night I had. It is always good to spend time with friends and enjoy the moments. Enjoy the Pictures! 

Friday, November 20, 2009
Happy Friday!
Good Morning Lovies!
What is everyone up too this weekend?
As for me, today should be a fun filled night. I have a Paris Theme Party to attend with great fab friends in which i am super excited to see, I am also excited to get dressed up for this occasion. Stay tune for pictures. Hope everyone has a save weekend... I will be in Paris today. ***No matter what you are going through today take 5 seconds and put a smile on your face***

What is everyone up too this weekend?
As for me, today should be a fun filled night. I have a Paris Theme Party to attend with great fab friends in which i am super excited to see, I am also excited to get dressed up for this occasion. Stay tune for pictures. Hope everyone has a save weekend... I will be in Paris today. ***No matter what you are going through today take 5 seconds and put a smile on your face***

As of next week I will start a post of what i will call "what did you or I like best", where it can be any-thing from a place, flowers, clothes anything that comes to mind.... Stay tuned!!!
griselleYour Home Space
Your Home Space.
A home is a personal sanctuary. It offers the very best of your life, so you'll want to maintain it well, right? Do you need a better mean of motivation? Follow these easy tips and before you know it, mi casa es su casa!
♥1. Avoid going from one floor of your home to another without returning something where it belongs. Keep a basket next to the stairs. Make putting things away a routine.
2. Do you want to get the entire family involved? Start a daily maintenance checklist, which doesn't have to sound as rigorous as it seems. Just assign one small, quick job to each family member. Good starter tasks for children include setting the table, vacuuming, feeding the dog/cat/reptiles, raking leaves, or sweeping. Post a reminder list on paper or buy a magnetic dry erase board for your fridge (sold at K-mart, Target, or Bed Bath and Beyond) with daily check-off boxes in the kitchen.If someone is seriously having trouble sticking to their job, you're their boss. Do not scold or pressure them because initially, nobody likes to be scold or pressured and this will only make your situation worse. Instead, keep encouraging them. And after a particular job well, reward them with a compliment or a treat.
3. Use super-absorbent microfiber cloths to trap dust and dirt. Feather dusters and rags often just blow dust and dirt around.
4. When I was starting an exercise regimen for myself, I designed a list of some of the favorite things that I like to do every day and mapped it out during the week (monday and tuesdays...strength, running. wednesday..pilates, running...etc). This helped condition my mind to complete an effective regimen for myself. If you're having trouble sticking to a cleaning schedule, you can do something similar to make sure everything gets done.Start by giving each task an assigned day of the week, and stick to the schedule. This way, different areas are consistently "spic and span", and need little more than a once-over when their scheduled day comes up.
5. Add sugar to sweeten the deal. Put on some upbeat tracks while you work! (I'm personally loving Broadway at the moment.)
6. If you don't have much time to clean, vacuuming is a brief way to fix the place up.
7. Plan on cleaning the bathroom on a day you can reward your efforts with a long, hot, sweetly scented bubble bath or shower.
8. Get into cooking! Cook your favorite meal now and then. But, just remember the consequences. There will be plenty of dirty dishes to go around. I'm really sure this is up your alley now, but maybe cleaning up after such a delicious and wonderfully planned out meal will be just the incentive you need.
9. It's a known fact that some people need a reason if they want to get anything done. And "mopping" is one of those chores that are almost always left on the back burner. Find out what your least favorite chore is (mopping or the toilet, anyone?) and reward yourself after you're through with your efforts. Plan a dinner date with friends, hot chocolate in your spic and span kitchen, or buy those boots you had your eyes on for weeks now!
10. Buy yourself flowers (fresh-cut or fake) weekly, to add a crowning touch to your clean home.
A home is a personal sanctuary. It offers the very best of your life, so you'll want to maintain it well, right? Do you need a better mean of motivation? Follow these easy tips and before you know it, mi casa es su casa!
♥1. Avoid going from one floor of your home to another without returning something where it belongs. Keep a basket next to the stairs. Make putting things away a routine.
2. Do you want to get the entire family involved? Start a daily maintenance checklist, which doesn't have to sound as rigorous as it seems. Just assign one small, quick job to each family member. Good starter tasks for children include setting the table, vacuuming, feeding the dog/cat/reptiles, raking leaves, or sweeping. Post a reminder list on paper or buy a magnetic dry erase board for your fridge (sold at K-mart, Target, or Bed Bath and Beyond) with daily check-off boxes in the kitchen.If someone is seriously having trouble sticking to their job, you're their boss. Do not scold or pressure them because initially, nobody likes to be scold or pressured and this will only make your situation worse. Instead, keep encouraging them. And after a particular job well, reward them with a compliment or a treat.
3. Use super-absorbent microfiber cloths to trap dust and dirt. Feather dusters and rags often just blow dust and dirt around.
4. When I was starting an exercise regimen for myself, I designed a list of some of the favorite things that I like to do every day and mapped it out during the week (monday and tuesdays...strength, running. wednesday..pilates, running...etc). This helped condition my mind to complete an effective regimen for myself. If you're having trouble sticking to a cleaning schedule, you can do something similar to make sure everything gets done.Start by giving each task an assigned day of the week, and stick to the schedule. This way, different areas are consistently "spic and span", and need little more than a once-over when their scheduled day comes up.
5. Add sugar to sweeten the deal. Put on some upbeat tracks while you work! (I'm personally loving Broadway at the moment.)
6. If you don't have much time to clean, vacuuming is a brief way to fix the place up.
7. Plan on cleaning the bathroom on a day you can reward your efforts with a long, hot, sweetly scented bubble bath or shower.
8. Get into cooking! Cook your favorite meal now and then. But, just remember the consequences. There will be plenty of dirty dishes to go around. I'm really sure this is up your alley now, but maybe cleaning up after such a delicious and wonderfully planned out meal will be just the incentive you need.
9. It's a known fact that some people need a reason if they want to get anything done. And "mopping" is one of those chores that are almost always left on the back burner. Find out what your least favorite chore is (mopping or the toilet, anyone?) and reward yourself after you're through with your efforts. Plan a dinner date with friends, hot chocolate in your spic and span kitchen, or buy those boots you had your eyes on for weeks now!
10. Buy yourself flowers (fresh-cut or fake) weekly, to add a crowning touch to your clean home.
Let's Not Forget Slow Dancing
A little something from my personal book of writing :)
Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift.... Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.
Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift.... Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.