School bags, school supplies, bus schedules, and after-school activities. Those are just some of the things you think about when gearing up your child for a new
successful school year. But what are the most important things parents should focus on to ensure their child has a fun and productive 2011/12 school year.
Tip 1: Filling the lunch box with food for thought
With childhood obesity a continuing concern, experts say what you put in your child’s lunch box is more important than ever. “A healthy lunch not only keeps the body going but also the brain,” “Kids who eat regular healthy meals often do better in school.”
Tip 2: Read With Your Children
Reading is one of the best ways to keep a child’s mind sharp when they
aren’t in school. There are many ways to integrate reading into your daily lives, including spending a little time each night reading together before your child’s bed time- this will also help your children get on to a regular bedtime schedule. Other activities include spending the afternoon at your local library or bookstore. Often kids get really excited when they get their own, and are able to use their own library cards.
Tip 3: Make Sure Your Child Gets Enough Sleep
Kids need their rest to perform well at school. Follow their practical tips for setting your kids ‘back to school sleep clocks’ at least two weeks before the school year begins. As research keeps telling us, a big contributor for children’s success at school is determined by whether they are getting enough sleep at night.
Tip 4: Emphasize The Positive And Have Fun!
Kid’s pick up on their parents attitudes. If a parent complains about shopping for back-to-school clothes and supplies, they’ll pick up on it, so start their school year off positively to get them motivated for the great year ahead. Part of the fun of parenting and teaching is figuring out what excites children. Children should understand that learning
isn’t a ‘job’ that ends on graduation day, it’s something that we all do every day for life and it is enjoyable!
Tip 5: Hobbies.
It’s important to remind your children that they’ll still have free time after school and on weekends. If they played most of the day during the summer, they’ll still have plenty of
playtimes after school lets out. The hobbies that they enjoyed during the summer can continue on through the school year.
Tip 6: Don’t Wear Them Out
It’s important to keep kids active, however signing them up for too many sports teams, dance practises, piano lessons, and tutoring won’t give them the downtime that they need. Let them play. Let them sit around and say ‘I’m bored’ every once in a while. School should be children’s main priority and biggest responsibility, and so it’s worthwhile to limit their extra-curricular activities especially during the school year. As they get older, maybe they will show that they can handle more, but monitor how they are handling everything closely.