What fun items do you take to work?
Here I posted a picture of a few items I take to work. I can say I am very fortunate that unlike many I get to drive to work vs commute by public transportation. My day to day schedule is very busy, between work, business, home, kids, sports activities and boyfriend, my life is just one rush after the other. My lunch break is basically my down time, where I can actually indulge in reading a good book or a fashion, fitness and home magazine. As you can see in the picture, these are the few items I carry with, of course my make up bag that comes with me every where I go. I also have a few more fun items, such as, Ipod, Iphone, nail polish etc... all this inside my bag. Here I conclude my fun items of the week.
Please share with us your fun items. that you take to work for your down time if you have any!
Fashion Mom