Love the saying on this clutch!
One of the most wonderful things felt is a rush of adrenalin accompanied by a drive to pursue and reach a goal. This drive is self-motivation - one of the most powerful things bestowed upon us, one that enables us to do nearly anything we want, so long as there is passion. Simply imagine the possibilities; there is no limit to what we can do.
But it is nearly impossible to retain this sort of self-motivation every moment of our lives; there will always be a time when our motivation, our drive, and our self-esteem hits a low(-er) point. It’s simply human, completely inevitable. Because sometimes laziness overcomes us, work bogs us down until the bags beneath our eyes seem permanent, or perhaps that fiery passion disappears suddenly. Regardless of the reason, we must pick ourselves up at some time or another (preferably a.s.a.p.) and re-discover the source of our motivation - it is the vital to not just progress, but also crucial in achieving success.
Accept. Simply accept that you have no desire to do anything at the moment because it’s normal; it’s embedded into human nature, whether or not we like it. It happens. So set that project/goal aside for the time being and allow your mind to wander a bit. Sometimes all we need is a break from routine and concentration; set a date with friends and enjoy it. Watch a few movies, catch up on TV episodes, indulge in a bit of ice cream or sweets, take a stroll in a museum or a public area, etc. Be re-inspired by your lack of inspiration and motivation in allowing yourself to soak in, from a new perspective, what you already know. (I do hope that made sense.) As they say; a breath of fresh air is needed occasionally in order to continue something and not feel bored of it; giving both yourself and that particular project/goal time off allows you to come back with a fresh start.
Take a break; relax. Bumming around is perfectly okay - and not just because I do it ;]. Don’t force yourself to be productive when you simply are un-inspired or hardly motivated. Coercing yourself to finish something will only make you unhappy and even more unwilling to go about your work; not to mention, the end result won’t be something you are happy with - it becomes just a thing you wanted to finish - it is no longer special. Case in point: I’ve been holding off on replying to emails/questions this week because a flood of emails can cause dread. But it wasn’t that - I like to take my time in thinking about each answer so I can give the best reply I can; rushing to answer them when my brain is hardly functioning or if I feel un-inspired will only produce mediocre results.
… some ideas? Buy tickets to your favorite museum (art, perhaps, since you’re a graphic designer?) / Plan an outing with friends / Turn up the music, plop onto your bed or couch, and read a good book / Walk around town or the city; people watching is quite enjoyable and inspirational! / Dance around (it works for me, always).
Tea is your best friend! I must have a whole groupie of best friends; bags, shoes, post-it notes, etc. But tea really is incredibly helpful in soothing and calming not just your mind, but your body. I must admit that I have no idea as to how these anti-oxidants and other ingredients work scientifically; all I do know is that they do work. Coffee, though absolutely delicious (I am such a hypocrite!) is hardly the sort of drink that is calming. Avoid it At least try i know it's hard, at work I have to drink coffee!
After giving yourself ample time to rejuvenate and relax, bring out your personal inspiration books/collages. Perhaps browsing your first work or journal will re-inspire you and re-ignite the passion, whilst reminding you of why you started in the first place. A bit of nostalgia always brings back good memories and smiles =].
Again I am a big fan of writting so jot down the things you love. Write it all down in a list; it’s sure to bring smiles and remind you of why you began/wanted the particular goal/project. Sometimes, without even knowing it, writing lists can give you revelations or epiphany moments of inspiration!
Re-establish that goal. Re-word, re-form, & re-vamp your original goal so it sounds just a bit newer and more fresh. Write it down somewhere that is easily accessible. As silly as it sounds, I have my goals set as the wallpaper to my laptop; I too lose focus of what I want at times - a constant reminder is necessary for me, as a sort of means to push me back on track.
Think of the rewards! Whether they be monetary, tangible, or this inward emotion of triumph, it’s nice to daydream a bit of what you could achieve in following through with your goal. Dreams are meant to be dreamt, not to be left shriveling and stale in your mind. Sometimes, just thinking of what I can potentially be in the future motivates me to work harder for what I want. Though I must admit it requires a lot of concentration and focus - something I have yet to find ;].
And to be the best person you can possibly be is all relative to perspective. But be sure you meet your personal standards; not what everyone else around you wants. Yes, in the real world, sadly, you must live up to others’ expectations of you. But at the end of the day, you must be happy with who you are (I apologize for the cliche topic and cheesiness.) I wish I knew the answers to everything so I could help everyone to the best of my abilities, but all I can say for this particular area is this: if you are happy with where you are and who are currently, then you are being the best person you possibly be.
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