I like the picture of the treadmills, This is from the gym at the hotel I stayed on my honeymoon.
I wanted to share a few tips that motivates me and keeps me going! These tips are magnetite onto my refrigerator so I wont forget my goals ...and give me that push I need to keep it going! specially when I go to open the fridge!!! I think about it twice before i take that yummy piece of cake!
This is what works for me, hopefully you can find what works for you if not you can always refer to my tips below, this is why i am sharing it.
1) Set a Goal. Decide what you want to get out of your workout. Are you after Jennifer Aniston's arms or a job with World Wrestling Entertainment? Are you lifting weights to improve function, health, appearance, or sports performance? Once this has been determined, you can better tailor your routine, choosing exercises that will target the proper muscles.
2) Be Consistent. Once you commit to weight training, stick with it. True, a long day at work doesn't provide much inspiration, but resist the urge to skip sessions. "If you can't do a lot, do a little," "Something is better than nothing."
3) Learn Proper Form and Technique. "Exercise is like medicine," it is said "it's based on science." If you have no experience with weights, experts recommend investing in a couple of sessions with a personal trainer. One thing to keep in mind is to avoid hyper-extending or locking out any joints. This allows the muscle to relax, which is counterproductive. Also, be sure that your whole body is properly aligned in order to protect the lower back.
4) Get Tired. While many theories exist on the best ways to build muscle, recent research indicates that a single set of 12 repetitions with the proper weight can build muscle just as efficiently as three sets of the same exercise — good news for people trying to squeeze weight lifting into a busy schedule. A single set of exercises using a weight heavy enough to tire the muscles after a dozen repetitions. "When you work a muscle to fatigue, you are releasing factors that build endurance and strength,"
5) Muscles Are Sexy. Many of us avoid weight lifting because we are afraid of looking too buff and muscular, opting instead for the treadmill or the elliptical machine to burn calories. In truth, weight training converts fat into lean muscle. Lean muscle burns more calories, aiding in weight loss. "It's like having a V-8 engine instead of a 4-cylinder. You have a bigger engine to burn more calories because it takes calories to keep that engine running,"
6) Vary Your Exercises. "You can fall in love with your trainer if you have one but don't fall in love with any one exercise," If you repeat the same exercise, you will overdo a particular muscle group. Everyone undoubtedly has a particular asset they may want to develop, but don't overdo it. Use a full variety of exercises, machines and resistances. Try lifting free weights, water, household items, and even your own body weight. Changing it up will shock the muscles, challenging them to lift the weight.
7) Move Slowly. Don't cheat by racing through your exercises. Remember, it only takes one set so be sure to get the most out of your time in the gym. Take one to two seconds to contract the muscle, hold the contraction for half a second, and then lengthen the release to three or four seconds. You are 20 percent to 40 percent stronger on the way down so following this time breakdown will maximize strength gain.
8) Work Balanced Muscles Groups. People generally work out only what they can see, "it's as if they have a 'Cadillac in the front, and a Volkswagen in the back.'" But too much time devoted to one side may create posture problems. Since, every muscle has an opposing muscle, be sure to work the entire pair. For example, follow stomach crunches with back extensions and bicep curls with tricep kickbacks. What we have started to do is the circle workout which means we do 3 reps of 15 for each body part instead of focusing one one part per day!
9) Find Female-Focused Exercises. Women should pay particular attention to building strength in the upper back and shoulders. This will protect against poor posture later in life, a common problem related to osteoporosis. And don't neglect your lower body — females are five to six times more likely to suffer a knee ligament tear. To protect against knee injury, focus on building the hamstring muscles.
10) Choose a Get-Buff Buddy. A lifting partner is helpful not only for spotting but for motivation as well. When your arms are feeling like Jell-O and you think you've got nothing left to give, a little encouragement from a friend may be all you need to push out that final rep. I go with my friends but i work better at times on my own, so if you don't have a workout buddy it is still okay.
11) Drink Caffeine Before Lifting. Although optional, a little caffeine may give you an extra boost of energy to lift after a long day. You may be surprised by the effects a cup of coffee can have on your performance. Ladies this is what keeps me going, I don't have time to work out in the morning due to my schedule therefore I do this at night after I feed the kids, and do a few things around the house by the time i have to go to the gym I am tired so a bit of caffeine come a long way for me.
12) Be Patient. "Rome wasn't built in a day; you won't be either," It takes time to incorporate the benefits of weight lifting. Changes in muscle fiber won't show until four to six weeks, but in the meantime, your muscles are learning how to act more efficiently. Trust me ladies i have no patient I tend to get discourage if I don't start seeing results right away but I am learning how to be patient and do my best!
Let's stop being lazy and get started!
I would love to know what your tips are and what motivates you!
This is what works for me, hopefully you can find what works for you if not you can always refer to my tips below, this is why i am sharing it.
1) Set a Goal. Decide what you want to get out of your workout. Are you after Jennifer Aniston's arms or a job with World Wrestling Entertainment? Are you lifting weights to improve function, health, appearance, or sports performance? Once this has been determined, you can better tailor your routine, choosing exercises that will target the proper muscles.
2) Be Consistent. Once you commit to weight training, stick with it. True, a long day at work doesn't provide much inspiration, but resist the urge to skip sessions. "If you can't do a lot, do a little," "Something is better than nothing."
3) Learn Proper Form and Technique. "Exercise is like medicine," it is said "it's based on science." If you have no experience with weights, experts recommend investing in a couple of sessions with a personal trainer. One thing to keep in mind is to avoid hyper-extending or locking out any joints. This allows the muscle to relax, which is counterproductive. Also, be sure that your whole body is properly aligned in order to protect the lower back.
4) Get Tired. While many theories exist on the best ways to build muscle, recent research indicates that a single set of 12 repetitions with the proper weight can build muscle just as efficiently as three sets of the same exercise — good news for people trying to squeeze weight lifting into a busy schedule. A single set of exercises using a weight heavy enough to tire the muscles after a dozen repetitions. "When you work a muscle to fatigue, you are releasing factors that build endurance and strength,"
5) Muscles Are Sexy. Many of us avoid weight lifting because we are afraid of looking too buff and muscular, opting instead for the treadmill or the elliptical machine to burn calories. In truth, weight training converts fat into lean muscle. Lean muscle burns more calories, aiding in weight loss. "It's like having a V-8 engine instead of a 4-cylinder. You have a bigger engine to burn more calories because it takes calories to keep that engine running,"
6) Vary Your Exercises. "You can fall in love with your trainer if you have one but don't fall in love with any one exercise," If you repeat the same exercise, you will overdo a particular muscle group. Everyone undoubtedly has a particular asset they may want to develop, but don't overdo it. Use a full variety of exercises, machines and resistances. Try lifting free weights, water, household items, and even your own body weight. Changing it up will shock the muscles, challenging them to lift the weight.
7) Move Slowly. Don't cheat by racing through your exercises. Remember, it only takes one set so be sure to get the most out of your time in the gym. Take one to two seconds to contract the muscle, hold the contraction for half a second, and then lengthen the release to three or four seconds. You are 20 percent to 40 percent stronger on the way down so following this time breakdown will maximize strength gain.
8) Work Balanced Muscles Groups. People generally work out only what they can see, "it's as if they have a 'Cadillac in the front, and a Volkswagen in the back.'" But too much time devoted to one side may create posture problems. Since, every muscle has an opposing muscle, be sure to work the entire pair. For example, follow stomach crunches with back extensions and bicep curls with tricep kickbacks. What we have started to do is the circle workout which means we do 3 reps of 15 for each body part instead of focusing one one part per day!
9) Find Female-Focused Exercises. Women should pay particular attention to building strength in the upper back and shoulders. This will protect against poor posture later in life, a common problem related to osteoporosis. And don't neglect your lower body — females are five to six times more likely to suffer a knee ligament tear. To protect against knee injury, focus on building the hamstring muscles.
10) Choose a Get-Buff Buddy. A lifting partner is helpful not only for spotting but for motivation as well. When your arms are feeling like Jell-O and you think you've got nothing left to give, a little encouragement from a friend may be all you need to push out that final rep. I go with my friends but i work better at times on my own, so if you don't have a workout buddy it is still okay.
11) Drink Caffeine Before Lifting. Although optional, a little caffeine may give you an extra boost of energy to lift after a long day. You may be surprised by the effects a cup of coffee can have on your performance. Ladies this is what keeps me going, I don't have time to work out in the morning due to my schedule therefore I do this at night after I feed the kids, and do a few things around the house by the time i have to go to the gym I am tired so a bit of caffeine come a long way for me.
12) Be Patient. "Rome wasn't built in a day; you won't be either," It takes time to incorporate the benefits of weight lifting. Changes in muscle fiber won't show until four to six weeks, but in the meantime, your muscles are learning how to act more efficiently. Trust me ladies i have no patient I tend to get discourage if I don't start seeing results right away but I am learning how to be patient and do my best!
Let's stop being lazy and get started!
I would love to know what your tips are and what motivates you!
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