Annual Review Of Your Hairstyle!
1. A bad hairstyle can ruin great personal style:
You may have a closet full of Prada and Chanel, or vintage gorgeousness galore, or killer shoes from all eras ... but if you've got a frizzy, unflattering, outdated, or otherwise ill-suited hairstyle perched on your noggin, it's all for naught. I've seen impeccably dressed women with unfortunate tresses and I swear it strips them of their stylishness instantly. A good cut is mandatory for a stylish woman. (We all have bad hair day and that is fine).
2. You can outgrow your "perfect" style:
I heard several folks say that they'd labored to find their ideal 'do, and were loathe to tamper with it. And I dig. I do! But our tastes change, and my friends, our FACES change. If we don't allow our hairstyles to follow suit, then we run the risk of looking like a Bratz head stuck on a Barbie body. The "perfect" style that you nailed five years ago might not be so "perfect" now if your wardrobe, body, or face has shifted even slightly. And if you don't reevaluate, you'll never know if an even better style is possible. This applies if you're 16, 36, 60, any age at all. We are all in flux at all times.
3. Stagnation is unbecoming:
If you're in college and have been sporting the same style since you were 16, you look like you haven't matured. If you're in your fifties and have been sporting the same style since you were 40, your cut may age you: When people see the same old coif, they're likely to notice how much your face has aged in comparison to your unchanged hairstyle. Mix it up to make sure your hairdo matches the current version of you. Mix it up to show the world you're a mysterious, ever-changing creature of beauty.
4. Review doesn't mean change:
I'm not saying that you need to drastically alter your entire hairstyle every twelve months. No way, no how! Subtle change can be just as effective at keeping your look fresh. Add some layers, get a few highlights or lowlights, find a new updo and wear it several times each week, get some barrettes or headbands into rotation, add bangs, grow out your bangs, try a new product, add or change color, straighten or curl your locks a few times a week. It doesn't have to be an overhaul, just an injection of newness.
5. Never shun an opportunity to reexamine your style: Many of us evaluate our wardrobes and purge out the unecessaries every SEASON. Forcing yourself to take a long, hard look at your hairstyle once a year is really not so much to ask. When you stop seeing yourself, you run the risk of stifling your own style. Look often and look honestly at your gorgeous self, and make sure you're doing your utmost to highlight your best features.
It's daunting, kittens, but it's worth it. Mark your calendars for a yearly hairstyle review, or run the risk of stylistic stagnation.
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