My Halloween Candy Tips
Eat healthy before you trick or treat: Have a healthy snack before trick-or-treating and have a nu warm supper afterward. Have plenty of healthier foods available before and along the route so that little tummies are not hungry. And after the walk in the cold, the trick-or-treaters are ready for something warm when they get back. I normally prepare my son what i call Spanish style oatmeal, he loves it and this keeps him warm, and it is very healthy. Before setting off, parents should emphasize the safety rules, including the one about parental review of candies before anything can be consumed, my 2 kids are not huge candy eaters but they will eat a few that leads them into stomach pains, for this reason and safety as well we review and inspect our candies.
Sort and share: When the kids were younger, the candy fairy would visit us Halloween night and make most of the loot disappear. Now I involve the kids in the discussion. We keep some, but we share the rest, i take them to my job lol, however; this year we if bring a lot of treats we will donate a few to the Family Shelter.
Portion control and healthy sides: If you say no to all and any candy, you’ll end up making it even more attractive. Instead, keep an eye on the portions. If your child wants to have the mini-chocolate bar, offer it with a glass of milk. That way you balance the empty calories with something nutritious. (By the way, dark chocolate is heart healthy and it’s mine when it comes into the house. I share.

Store candy wisely. I used to put some of the leftover candy in a pretty bowl and set them out. Guess who ended up consuming most of them — me, myself and I. So now I put some in out-of-the-way places — high cabinets and shelves, behind things. Most of the time, it’s out of sight and out of mind. But if I get a desperate craving, enough to make me climb on a step-stool, move and replace the glassware well, then I earned it. But the best idea is point 2 — get it out of the house.
Hope you enjoyed a few of my Halloween tips. Until next time, happy Halloween and happy eating!
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