Re-cap of my day, well some recap. Gym in the early am, we had our wheat grass drinks, protein shake after our workout. My husband surprised me with a wonderful cleaned home, I stepped out of the house to run some errand and when i came back he had cleaned and mop the house for me, shortly after, I went to spend a little bit of time with my gordito my friends baby, had some coffee and Val cupcakes she made for me thanks Mirna you are awesome! shortly after hubby picked me up we went home got dressed and went out to dinner (hubby had reservations), the night was pretty awesome we talked and had some drinks then we went home, where i had roses and rose pedals awww, this might not sound like the most interesting night but for me it was.
Valentines Day doesn't have to be one day a year. Love with all of your heart and soul. Giving yourself completely to someone can be scary, but there is never a bad time to tell your loved one how you feel about them.
The most amazing gift you can give someone is your heart. Cherish your time together and make every day Valentines Day a special one and not just on valentines but always.
Below are some cute nighty, it is never too late for those couples that had to work and couldn't celebrate their day last night.

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