Tuesday, June 5, 2012


What do principles mean.  For me, they are the lifeline to my soul. I think that you will never be truly lost if you have your principles. They are reminders of the things that work and don’t work for you. They keep you grounded and give you reasons for the things you do. Principles, not your possessions and money, give you value as a person. Here are 5 principles to live by for a better life.

Have Goals & Don't Be Afraid To Take Risk
1. Goals, whether short term or long term, are important to keep you excited about life. Don’t stop dreaming and don’t stop planning ways to achieve your dreams. Remain flexible and don’t be afraid to try something new. If you don’t take risks, you’ll never grow and learn new things.

Do What You Love Or Love What You Do
2. When you wake up in the morning, do you find yourself excited to start working? Life is short and there is no time to waste doing work you don’t love or enjoy. If you are not doing what you love, then maybe you can try to fall in love with your work. You either change your work or you change your attitude towards it. Not everyday is a happy day but we can all try.

Be Honest
3.Too many people have been hurt by lies and deceptions. Life is hard enough as it is; there is no need to complicate it further with dishonesty. Live by the truth and you feel liberated.

Be Respectful
4.Treat others as you would like to be treated. And I’m not just talking about fellow human beings; the rest of nature also deserves to be treated with respect. Always remember that respect begets respect.

Learn To Let Go
5. A Buddhist proverb tell us, “Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.” Don’t hold on to things and people who cause you pain. They are not worth your time. You don’t have to suffer on their account. If you don’t let go of negative things, you will miss out on the beauty of life trust me learn how to let go of the negative!


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