Strolling into a Brazilian restaurant in New York City for an exclusive interview with In Touch, Mariah is nothing like the diva she’s perceived to be. The Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter looks gorgeous, wearing little makeup and dressed casually in black pants, a black shirt and big black belt. Usually guarded about her love life, this time, she’s brought along her husband, Nick Cannon. “I love where I am in life right now,” Mariah, 39, tells In Touch as she sips on a glass of cabernet. And why shouldn’t she? She’s got a man who writes her love notes each morning, even after a year-and-a-half of marriage. She’s got a highly anticipated new album, which dropped September 29. She he is getting Oscar buzz for her gritty role in the upcoming movie Precious. And she and Nick definitely want to start a family! Over dinner, the couple opened up to In Touch about their solid marriage, having a baby and more.
So, are you ready for kids?
Mariah: Definitely, we want a family.Nick: Yes, of course. It’s at the forefront of our minds. We’re very close. But we want to enjoy our first year together. We didn’t have a stable environment. The first year we were in LA in a hotel and then we were like, “Let’s get a house.”
Mariah: But don’t think I’m moving to LA.Nick: We live in both places. We need to figure out where we are going to raise our kids. Here or LA.Mariah: New York.
Nick: LA.
How many kids?
Nick: We’d like two.Mariah: Of course, we’d be happy with one. I want to be able to manage the right amount of attention. We are so busy — if you have six kids running around, no one gets what they need. Kids need a lot of attention.
Would you consider adoption?
Nick: It’s never out of the question. I was raised by my grandmother, who was also a foster mom, so I grew up around a lot of kids.
So you can see yourself having one by the end of 2010?
Mariah: Yeah. What do you think?Nick: I think that’s what the world is waiting for.Mariah: Oh, my goodness, that’s so much pressure on our kids!
Would you mind gaining the baby weight?
Mariah: No, I wouldn’t mind. I’d be fine with it. I’m not one of those people who is usually a size 2 to start with and gets scared they will end up a size 3.
It seems like 40 is a pivotal age in Hollywood.
Mariah: I find it offensive. It unfairly taints women in particular, and makes people look at you differently. I lived with that my whole life. Honestly, I never thought I’d live this long.
You thought you’d die by now?
Mariah: I have always been grateful for everything I had, but my personal life was a mess. So many artists just exist for their careers and then burn out quickly. That was me before I met Nick, and he helped me. I always thought that I wouldn’t be here at this point. I was thinking, “Okay, I’ve got another year of my life left. This has got to be the end of it.” Finally, he was like, “Stop talking like that.” I have been obsessed with the whole Marilyn Monroe thing my whole life — all those artists who died young.
And Michael Jackson, too.
Mariah: Yes. Michael Jackson. At one point, we talked about that stuff. I can’t reveal what he thought. But yes, we had a conversation about it once.
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