Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Book Club

Book Club Meeting,

Thanks Anna, once again it was a fun all around meeting as always. We (bookclub members)decided to look into and learn Buddhism. My cousin is now looking into learning about meditation so she suggested we read on this and maybe attend a class or two. What a great idea, I am always open to learning and if it's for a better me... I am all for it. I have read on buddhism my thoughts are as follow it is good and effective if you apply it in your everyday life. One thing I have learned based on a book called "Meditation A Beginners Guide" is that Meditation is a perfect vehicle for self healing. Within it we learn to connect with the devine light, which is healing energy, love to heal those parts of our physical and emotional and mental selves and indeed, to direct outwards to others. At times I try to apply it in my everyday when things get hectic and crazy, it does work... i will blog more about it once we get more indept in the book we choose.

I will keep you updated as to what book we choose to read on, maybe there is something you can apply to your everyday life that can lead to a happier you.

By the way Anna, sorry I couldn't attend to you surprise b-day party you know I had prior engagements. My sister's house warming party. Will make it up to you.


1 comment:

Amalyn Ortega said...

We have to find out where we can go to take those classes soon...I'm glad you had fun!

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