Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Day Today

OMG, this morning was not a good one for me, for starters I don't drive in the snow, thankfully my colleague picked me up... so I get to work and I am busy as can be... not to mention tired, and exhausted well to the extend that i couldn't gather my thoughts... so that it-self, had me in a bad mood, I text my husband trying to trigger a fight but thank god I caught my self on time... but i still sent the text. Anyway, I go for my morning coffee, return to my work duties as i proceed opening my work e-mails, scrolling and opening each one and still hating life, I come across one that my boss whom is also life coach sent me... It could of not been any better for how I was feeling today, so I want to share it with my readers. I do feel better now.

Choose Your Thoughts

The power of feelings+++++++++++++++++++You can feel good for no reason at all. In fact, you can choose to feel any way you wish at any time and in any situation.Just remember that when you assume, you are thinking
of things in that way which brings an associated feeling or emotion.Whatever you desire, you desire because of the way you think it will make you feel. Whatever you avoid, you avoid because you don't wish to experience the feelings that you assume it will bring. .
Yet the fact is that your feelings are not controlled by your circumstances. Those feelings are determined by how you choose to think about and respond to various situations and events.Your feelings in any moment are yours to choose. You can choose to feel the wonderful reality of your most treasured dreams long before those dreams have been fully achieved.And when you do, you put yourself in a positive, powerful place from which you can surely make those dreams real. When you feel good for no reason, you immediately begin to create the reasons.Choose each day to feel the way you wish to feel, no matter what is going on around you. Then change your thoughts to support it
and let your feelings pull you toward the fulfillment of your destiny.

Hopefully this motivator helped you in any way.

On another note* there is not much going on in the celeb world for now. A few pics on my picture section.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah!! Im Back remove me from your blog Group follower and follow me again lol!!

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